Will you have to face the moving soon? Those who are going to experience such an important event must get proper help. And, the assistance can be expressed by learning some vital info! We are ready to start and tell you about a vital moving aspect – relocating and packing your furniture.
Preparing Furniture for Moving: What Has to Be Done?
Getting ready in a proper way is a key to a successful and easy move. Follow below what you should do in order to get ready before you pack furniture for moving:
- Take a look at all items you have and decide which ones you will be taking with you. as for the stuff you don’t need, you can sell it, give it away, or something like this;
- Get the proper tools ready (plus, you will certainly need a marker and tape). You should use the stuff that will help you to disassemble furniture without major problems;
- Think about disassembling items. So, it’s time to decide whether you are going to disassemble certain pieces of furniture or not. Naturally, it also depends on the doorways you have (they have to be wide enough to allow you to take the furniture out of the rooms).
Don’t forget about cleaning and dusting the furniture too!
How to Protect Furniture When Moving
We bet that you do not want your favorite furniture to suffer and break during the move. That is why it is a good idea to protect it while packing.
So, bubble wrap is going to be a great solution for protecting the wood. Cardboard sheets can be used in order to save the condition of the wooden stuff too (they have to be placed in between the pieces).
Plastic wrap and plastic sofa covers are going to be fine for protecting upholstered stuff. The old blankets are an awesome alternative to them.
We would like to advise you to stick to the packing and moving services of our Boston movers because they know everything about the protection of your stuff. This will allow you not to worry that something bad can happen to the pieces of furniture you are used to so much.
How to Pack Small Furniture for Moving
Everything depends on how you decide to act. The first option is this: you do the stuff yourself. The second one is hiring professional Boston movers who will take care of the details and you will just relax and watch the flow of the process.
So, if you stick to the first option, just follow a piece of advice given here:
- A lot of stuff can be packed using bubble wrap. This refers to bar stools and items like that;
- Besides, it is a great idea to use the blankets for packing (for instance, for dealing with filing cabinets);
- Use the tape in order to protect the items.
If you have to deal with the small parts of your furniture, just use small boxes for this purpose.
How to Pack Heavy Furniture for Moving: the Basics
Things are going to be more difficult speaking of heavy furniture. It is a good idea to have somebody around to help you with these items as long as it is not going to be easy to lift them and so on.
That is why, first of all, ask some of your friends or acquaintances to help with this. Second, remove legs and tops from the tables, take bed frames apart, and deal with the parts that can be removed. This will make further packing much easier.
Then, the bubble wrap and old blankets will be one of the best options too.
When you deal with a glass, it is a good idea to use tape to protect it.
Getting Assistance from Professional Movers
Everything we have described above refers to the solution when you initiate packing the furniture on your own. But there is a much simpler option that can present you with more pleasure and the opportunity to relax. It is a collaboration with Flash Moving furniture movers.
We are really experienced in this matter and know what to begin with. All of your furniture items are going to be packed in a proper way and nothing will suffer. What is more, the relocation will be arranged really fast. It means that you will get to a new place quickly and painlessly!
As for the cost of our services, do not worry about this. First of all, we will promote a free estimate that will help you to realize how much you will have to pay. Second, our rate is fine and affordable compared to other moving companies.
What does the Process Look Like with Flash Moving?

First of all, you can fill in the form given on our website. You should state the details of the relocation there and we will analyze your request. Another option to contact us is just to call our moving company’s representatives. They will listen to you attentively and ask clarifying questions.
In case you are interested, you can also receive a free estimate which will tell you the approximate cost of your move. This is a good way to plan your budget.
After this, we will schedule the date when our movers and packers will arrive at your place to deal with all the stuff and load it onto the trucks. All that you will be doing then is just enjoying your relocation! Our experts are ready to do the most difficult and rough work linked to your moving.
Storage of the Your Furniture
We are eager to provide you with such a service as storing your furniture. This can be necessary for any of the reasons. So, all you will have to do is to tell us that you need such assistance. Just indicate what period of storage you are interested in. Our team is ready to help you anywhere in Massachusetts.
You should be aware of the fact that our storage facilities are great for storing anything including furniture. We guarantee that all of your items will be saved in the best condition possible and you will not have to worry about any of the aspects linked to your moving.
Are There any Ways to Reduce the Cost?
Well, we are ready to suggest a few solutions if you want to save some of your money. First of all, you can buy wrapping stuff yourself. In this case, you will not have to pay for the materials we normally use when providing our clients with the Boston packing services.
Second, everything depends on the amount of stuff you have. It means that you will pay less if you have less furniture because we will not spend that much time dealing with it. It means that it is a nice idea to make clear decisions regarding what you will move beforehand.
Basically, this is it. You can also consult our representatives if you have some more questions about the pricing and this kind of stuff.
So, call us today and get moving quotes if you want to face a carefree move without any problems!